Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Work, Work, Work

Here is an update on various writing projects I have on tap. A revised version of In the Shadow of Midnight: Daedalus-a tale of Savannah will be released in early April. It will include photographs and some of the blog postings I've done explaining the backstory. Around the same time, my first novel, Revelation 11 will be published by Valhalla Press. It will be in Kindle format to start and others will be added later. FYI, Kindle formats work on all PCs and MACs. You can download and read even if you do not have a Kindle reader.

I plan to begin work on a second novel almost immediately entitled SNUF. It is more of a science fiction dystopian story of a man whose job it is to permanently delete files from computers around the world. SNUF stands for Specially Noted Unrecoverable File-the code his corporate bosses use to identify those bits of information targeted for destruction.

I also plan to get significant work in on a story called Militia's Mischief, which is also the name of an online video game favored by right-wing extremists in the novel. They use the game to launder money and illegally move weapons to trouble spots around the world. The protagonist is a novelist who starts out investigating the game, makes a few outrageous posts and then finds himself the target of several different government investigations. Despite the fact that he is quite liberal, the right-wing media adopts him as a hero. The complications ensue.

This should keep me busy the rest of the year.